COVID 19 Emergency Declarations Related to Collections

Last updated: April 20, 2020 State Relevant information related to collections California Non-essential businesses, including collection agencies, must close brick-and-mortar operations. Remote work, however, can continue—meaning that businesses may continue to operate with their staff telecommuting. Agencies should be mindful of the challenges that telecommuting may impose under other state and federal laws, e.g., the FDCPA (for all third-party collectors), … Read More

US Consumer Collection Complaints

US Consumer Collection Complaints – Jan. 2017- Jun. 2018 (BCFP Data) 494,540 Complaints received Jan. 2017 – Jun. 2018 27,474 Average complaints per month Jan. 2017 – Jun. 2018 +9% Change in average monthly complaints 2018 vs. 2017 TYPES OF DEBT ABOUT WHICH CONSUMERS COMPLAIN Twenty six percent of consumers with a credit file have a third-party collection tradeline listed. … Read More

Why does my phone still ring if I am on the Do Not Call List?

In 2003, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) initiated the National Do Not Call List to stop unwanted SALES calls to consumers across the country. For many years, the FTC received complaints about telemarketers making harassing phone calls at all hours of the day and night without any clear method for consumers to block, control or stop these unwanted calls. Today … Read More